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commercial priced at £1.75k
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This months most viewed RestaurantCommercials

How long does it take?Depending on the length of your commercial, actual shooting can take from 3 to 6 hours to ensure we have the footage necessary to create a commercial that will get people talking. Once we’ve wrapped shooting, we usually recommend taking two to three weeks to edit. This allows for your review cut and amendments made by our editor, to the final commercial before publication.
How do you know the marketing will work?Well, our marketing analysis builds a campaign tailored to your restaurant to get it seen by your exact target audience. Our studies and results show time and time again to work both through organic reach, but also paid marketing campaigns. This commercial is modular, so we give you the necessary means to get your ROI. But, the results are limitless depending where you display the commercial eg. Billboards, bus stop posters, TV screens... Each restaurant holds different pain points, locations and target audiences which is designed tailored to your marketing campaign.
What can you do that I can't do myself?Just as you create memorable experiences for your restaurant customers, our forte is creating professional and engaging content that helps you stand out from the crowd. We have years of experience using the latest filming equipment, editing styles and graphics to interact with and grab your audience’s attention.
We have a videographer already...You should absolutely have videographer already. Everyone has a videographer, but very few have a commercial. This is why a restaurant with a commercial stands out in comparison. Customers of ours tend to put 2 and 2 together as it's the same visual method of creation, but why would you trust the knowledge, skills and experience of a practice who only values their work at £200 - £300 to display your £200 - £300k restaurant in the first 30second look a customer has? This is why all the big and successful chains have commercials to stand out, and scale so easily.
We tried a marketing company before, but didn't see results...It’s not uncommon for us to hear this response that a restaurant has gone down a path of a marketing agency with a name like “Studio123” that aren’t specific to restaurants, so typically don’t understand the industry as in depth. We have some of the best marketing teams that specializes only in the restaurant space, and restaurant space alone. They understand the analytics better than any marketing company in this space.
Looks too expensive...It’s far more affordable than most think (not £50-100k production companies costs). We have set payment plans in place, so that you see the performance and results of the commercial before you have even got close to the second or third installment. All these huge production companies shoot with famous actors, expensive locations and so on. We strip it back, and give you everything you need, and nothing that you don’t. We work with smaller venues more than you might think, in our experience most of your competitors won’t have anything like a commercial, so driving customers away from your competitors is fairly easy.
How do we start?We have made the process as simple as we can to get your commercial booked in. Simply fill in our contact form to get booked in for a briefing call at a time that suits you. One of our directors will then give you a call to discuss all the logistics and have a better understanding for the overall style, genre and target audience your commercial should aim for.
Will this work for my restaurantWe specialise in bringing your social media channels as much engagement as possible. We do this by planning, producing and then marketing your finished commercials to your target audience. We will then send you a breakdown of your analytics one month after publishing to demonstrate your growth and progress.
What your strategy during the commercial process...The first and most important variable is "how can we hook your viewer to keep watching". So we use things such as hooks, this is where we have 3 - 5 seconds to engage your audience to continue watching. So as an example, with our Alstons commercial based in the city center of Glasgow, we visibly see a character on the train with the train conductor announcing “We are now arriving in Glasgow Central” which instantly hooks their target audience as it’s relevant to them. Another is storyline, we want to take your customer on an experience through this commercial, of what the atmosphere, style and the kind of food and drink your restaurant brings to them.
Why couldn't I go and hire a videographer to do exactly this?You're going to have to train, manage, take a lot of time to understand the marketing industry, we aren't just saying this to sell you, but we go through this ourselves when we take videographers on board to train to commercial level. There's a reason videographers charge a small fee, and that's why everyone has a videographer - where very few have a commercials. A restaurant commercial is your customers first look, so why would you trust limited time & knowledge to this to a videographer. Or you can work with a company that has been through the ringer, has faced these problems and come in and create you something that is designed to drive revenue behind it and it’s proven to work time and time again.
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